We all know that heavy handbags spell trouble for our posture but what exactly can we do to lighten the load? Read on for simple tips on lessening your handbag’s weight!
1. Clear your handbag daily.
Take everything in your bag out and go through them, separating the items into essentials and non-essential. We tend to just stuff all the random knick-knacks we get throughout the day into our handbag, regardless of how useless they may be. Be it receipts, biscuits, small purchases or even litter, they all just end up inside! By sorting out the contents of your bag everyday, you get rid of all the rubbish and instantly lighten your load.
2. Downsize everything.
Get travel-sized bottles to use for overnight trips instead of bringing regular-sized toiletries. Trust me, you’re not going to use all 500ml of your shampoo in a single night; so why lug that all around?
Love reading on the road? Try the Inkcase instead of carrying a book around! Inkcase transforms your phone into an e-reader by adding an E Ink screen at the back of your phone. It is the world’s lightest and thinnest e-reader.

3. Make sure you’re only carrying what you really need.
Store those comfy flats in your car or office instead of carrying them around. Are you sure you really need your tablet? Your phone may be more than up for the job; just go google some of the lifehacks your iPhone is capable of! So make things easier on your shoulder and get a smaller handbag!
Instead of carrying around a schedule book, consider using your phone’s Calendar app. Alternatively you could also make use of Inkcase to keep track of your schedule. Inkcase allows users to display to-do lists and schedules on the back of their phone with no extra bulk. You’ll never miss another appointment again!

4. Lighten your wallet.
You’d be surprised at how heavy your wallet can get, especially if you’re a closet hoarder of coins, loyalty cards and receipts! It seems a lot more convenient to pay with bills instead of coins. But it’s all about habit. After all, it doesn’t take long to count out a couple of coins for your coffee! Cut down on cards in your wallet; try this Key Ring app instead. Use e-tickets with Inkcase instead of conventional tickets so that you collect less receipts and paper tickets.
5. Change your bag.
Opt for bags with wider straps. Research has shown that the wider the strap is, the better it is for your body. Wide straps help protect your shoulder by distributing the weight over a wider area. Buy bags with alternative strap options, such as bags with handles for your hands and straps for cross-body wearing. Backpacks are probably best since the load is more evenly carried on two shoulders instead of one!
Bigger is definitely not better in this case! Get smaller purses so that you only bring the minimal necessities around. You’re more likely to put more unnecessary stuff in a bigger bag that will weigh it down.